How to check duplicate companies or contacts in Hubspot?

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At first glance, checking for duplicate companies or contacts in Hubspot may seem like a straightforward task. However, as the volume of data to import increases, the process becomes more complex, and it becomes necessary to employ several strategies to avoid creating duplicates. When dealing with several thousand companies or leads, failing to detect and eliminate duplicates can lead to inaccurate data, redundancies, and other complications.

Therefore, it is essential to have a reliable process in place to ensure that duplicates are identified and handled appropriately. In this context, we will explore some of the strategies that can be used to check for and eliminate duplicate companies or contacts in Hubspot.


  • Check duplicates with the feature

  • Find a matching key

  • Export in google sheet

  • Use Hubspot API to check

  • Use a workflow to check duplicates and import

Find a matching key

Make longer:The matching key is the most important key to deduplicate your companies or contacts.

You can use all the properties you want like:

  • Company name

  • Domain



  • Address

  • Phone number

  • Email address

  • Tax ID number

  • VAT number

  • Employee count

  • Industry classification code

  • Annual revenue

  • Geographic location

  • Social media profiles

However, regardless of which properties you choose to use, it is essential that the matching key is unique and consistent across all records. Without a reliable matching key, you may end up merging or deleting incorrect records, which can result in lost opportunities, wasted resources, and damaged relationships with clients or prospects.

Therefore, it is crucial to establish a matching key strategy and regularly review and refine it to ensure accurate and efficient deduplication. By doing so, you can streamline your data management process, improve the quality of your database, and enhance your overall business performance.

In this tutorial, we will explore various techniques for creating and refining a matching key, as well as best practices for deduplicating your database effectively. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your database remains accurate and up-to-date, enabling you to make informed business decisions and build stronger relationships with your clients and prospects.

Check duplicates w/ Hubspot duplicate feature

To effectively manage your database of companies and contacts, it is essential to have a robust deduplication strategy. One of the critical components of this strategy is selecting the right matching key.

In HubSpot, you can find the deduplication feature under*account_id*/companies. On the right side of the screen, you will see a button that says "select properties to review". This button is crucial because it is where you can define the matching key that will be used to deduplicate all of your companies.

One of the most commonly used properties for the matching key is the Company domain name. This property associates a domain with a company name and helps to identify unique companies in your database. However, you have several other properties to choose from, such as SIRET, SIREN, address, phone number, email address, tax ID number, VAT number, employee count, industry classification code, annual revenue, geographic location, and social media profiles.

While selecting the right matching key is essential for companies, it is also important to have multiple matching keys for contacts. Using several matching keys such as email, phone number, and social profile pages can help avoid problems with deduplication. By doing so, you can limit duplication and ensure that your salespeople have only one contact associated with one company.

→ This button is important, this is where the matching key is used to deduplicate all your companies.

Here I will use the property company Company domain name which is the property used to associate a domain to a company name.

You have here two options, one for contacts and one for companies.

For contacts, it is good to use several matching keys to avoid problems of deduplicates like:

  • Email

  • Phone number

  • Social profiles pages

These matching keys allow you to limit duplication and therefore avoid your salespeople having several contacts associated with several different companies.

Export in google sheets

When importing a large batch of contacts or companies into HubSpot, it can be challenging to ensure that duplicates are not created. This can lead to inaccurate data, redundancies, and other complications. Therefore, it's essential to have a reliable process in place to check for and eliminate duplicates.

One effective strategy is to export the entire database of contacts and companies from Hubspot and import it into a Google Sheet.

→ This allows you to use a formula based on your matching key to check for matches and identify duplicates.

Your matching key is the most important key for deduplicating your contacts or companies. You can use various properties like: company name, domain, SIRET, SIREN, address, phone number, email address, tax ID number, VAT number, employee count, industry classification code, annual revenue, geographic location, and social media profiles.

💡 It's essential to choose a unique and consistent matching key across all records to avoid merging or deleting incorrect records.

Once the data is imported into a Google Sheet, you can use a formula to check for matches based on your matching key. This will help you identify duplicates and ensure that you don't import duplicate data into Hubspot.

After identifying the matches, you can obtain the company ID, which will allow you to import and update in Hubspot what is already present. This process can help you streamline your data management process, improve the quality of your database, and enhance your overall business performance.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your Hubspot database remains accurate and up-to-date, enabling you to make informed business decisions and build stronger relationships with your clients and prospects.

To export data in Company or Contact view, click on the "Export" button located in the top right corner:

Afterward, select all the properties you want to export and match with the new import file. Keep in mind that the more properties you select, the heavier and more complicated the file will be to use.

Finally, select CSV and start exporting. You will find the exported data in the "Import & Export" section of your account page.

  • Create a new google sheet page

  • Import your file from CSV into gg sheet:

  • Now you have your file from Hubspot & your file you want to import.

  • Go into your file you want to import and create a new column, name it as you wish

  • For example “already_in_hubspot”

  • Copy paste now this formula in the first row of this columns

  • =IFERROR(INDEX(hubspot_companies!A:Z, MATCH(J2, hubspot_companies!B:B, 0), 1), "")

  • Now change these columns

  • hubspot_companies → name of the tab you want to match with this file (hubspot export)

  • A:Z → columns you need to match

  • J2 → the column with your matching key → here company_domain so D2

  • B:B → column in hubspot file to match (here the domain in other tab) → keep B:B

  • 1 → is the last parameter which is the data returned from the google sheet

  • Column A is 0 , B is 1, C is 2, … → so choose what you want

You will have all company id from Hubspot so you only need to remove the companies that have a company id and keep only the unique ones.

And conversely keep the company IDs to update the data in Hubspot.


In conclusion, checking for and eliminating duplicate companies or contacts in Hubspot is an essential task to ensure the accuracy and efficiency of your database. By establishing a reliable matching key and using multiple matching keys for contacts, you can avoid creating duplicates and streamline your data management process.

Hubspot's deduplication feature and exporting data to Google Sheets are both useful strategies for identifying and removing duplicates. By following these guidelines, you can maintain a high-quality database and make informed business decisions that strengthen your relationships with clients and prospects.

How to check duplicate companies or contacts in Hubspot?

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My Role




At first glance, checking for duplicate companies or contacts in Hubspot may seem like a straightforward task. However, as the volume of data to import increases, the process becomes more complex, and it becomes necessary to employ several strategies to avoid creating duplicates. When dealing with several thousand companies or leads, failing to detect and eliminate duplicates can lead to inaccurate data, redundancies, and other complications.

Therefore, it is essential to have a reliable process in place to ensure that duplicates are identified and handled appropriately. In this context, we will explore some of the strategies that can be used to check for and eliminate duplicate companies or contacts in Hubspot.


  • Check duplicates with the feature

  • Find a matching key

  • Export in google sheet

  • Use Hubspot API to check

  • Use a workflow to check duplicates and import

Find a matching key

Make longer:The matching key is the most important key to deduplicate your companies or contacts.

You can use all the properties you want like:

  • Company name

  • Domain



  • Address

  • Phone number

  • Email address

  • Tax ID number

  • VAT number

  • Employee count

  • Industry classification code

  • Annual revenue

  • Geographic location

  • Social media profiles

However, regardless of which properties you choose to use, it is essential that the matching key is unique and consistent across all records. Without a reliable matching key, you may end up merging or deleting incorrect records, which can result in lost opportunities, wasted resources, and damaged relationships with clients or prospects.

Therefore, it is crucial to establish a matching key strategy and regularly review and refine it to ensure accurate and efficient deduplication. By doing so, you can streamline your data management process, improve the quality of your database, and enhance your overall business performance.

In this tutorial, we will explore various techniques for creating and refining a matching key, as well as best practices for deduplicating your database effectively. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your database remains accurate and up-to-date, enabling you to make informed business decisions and build stronger relationships with your clients and prospects.

Check duplicates w/ Hubspot duplicate feature

To effectively manage your database of companies and contacts, it is essential to have a robust deduplication strategy. One of the critical components of this strategy is selecting the right matching key.

In HubSpot, you can find the deduplication feature under*account_id*/companies. On the right side of the screen, you will see a button that says "select properties to review". This button is crucial because it is where you can define the matching key that will be used to deduplicate all of your companies.

One of the most commonly used properties for the matching key is the Company domain name. This property associates a domain with a company name and helps to identify unique companies in your database. However, you have several other properties to choose from, such as SIRET, SIREN, address, phone number, email address, tax ID number, VAT number, employee count, industry classification code, annual revenue, geographic location, and social media profiles.

While selecting the right matching key is essential for companies, it is also important to have multiple matching keys for contacts. Using several matching keys such as email, phone number, and social profile pages can help avoid problems with deduplication. By doing so, you can limit duplication and ensure that your salespeople have only one contact associated with one company.

→ This button is important, this is where the matching key is used to deduplicate all your companies.

Here I will use the property company Company domain name which is the property used to associate a domain to a company name.

You have here two options, one for contacts and one for companies.

For contacts, it is good to use several matching keys to avoid problems of deduplicates like:

  • Email

  • Phone number

  • Social profiles pages

These matching keys allow you to limit duplication and therefore avoid your salespeople having several contacts associated with several different companies.

Export in google sheets

When importing a large batch of contacts or companies into HubSpot, it can be challenging to ensure that duplicates are not created. This can lead to inaccurate data, redundancies, and other complications. Therefore, it's essential to have a reliable process in place to check for and eliminate duplicates.

One effective strategy is to export the entire database of contacts and companies from Hubspot and import it into a Google Sheet.

→ This allows you to use a formula based on your matching key to check for matches and identify duplicates.

Your matching key is the most important key for deduplicating your contacts or companies. You can use various properties like: company name, domain, SIRET, SIREN, address, phone number, email address, tax ID number, VAT number, employee count, industry classification code, annual revenue, geographic location, and social media profiles.

💡 It's essential to choose a unique and consistent matching key across all records to avoid merging or deleting incorrect records.

Once the data is imported into a Google Sheet, you can use a formula to check for matches based on your matching key. This will help you identify duplicates and ensure that you don't import duplicate data into Hubspot.

After identifying the matches, you can obtain the company ID, which will allow you to import and update in Hubspot what is already present. This process can help you streamline your data management process, improve the quality of your database, and enhance your overall business performance.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your Hubspot database remains accurate and up-to-date, enabling you to make informed business decisions and build stronger relationships with your clients and prospects.

To export data in Company or Contact view, click on the "Export" button located in the top right corner:

Afterward, select all the properties you want to export and match with the new import file. Keep in mind that the more properties you select, the heavier and more complicated the file will be to use.

Finally, select CSV and start exporting. You will find the exported data in the "Import & Export" section of your account page.

  • Create a new google sheet page

  • Import your file from CSV into gg sheet:

  • Now you have your file from Hubspot & your file you want to import.

  • Go into your file you want to import and create a new column, name it as you wish

  • For example “already_in_hubspot”

  • Copy paste now this formula in the first row of this columns

  • =IFERROR(INDEX(hubspot_companies!A:Z, MATCH(J2, hubspot_companies!B:B, 0), 1), "")

  • Now change these columns

  • hubspot_companies → name of the tab you want to match with this file (hubspot export)

  • A:Z → columns you need to match

  • J2 → the column with your matching key → here company_domain so D2

  • B:B → column in hubspot file to match (here the domain in other tab) → keep B:B

  • 1 → is the last parameter which is the data returned from the google sheet

  • Column A is 0 , B is 1, C is 2, … → so choose what you want

You will have all company id from Hubspot so you only need to remove the companies that have a company id and keep only the unique ones.

And conversely keep the company IDs to update the data in Hubspot.


In conclusion, checking for and eliminating duplicate companies or contacts in Hubspot is an essential task to ensure the accuracy and efficiency of your database. By establishing a reliable matching key and using multiple matching keys for contacts, you can avoid creating duplicates and streamline your data management process.

Hubspot's deduplication feature and exporting data to Google Sheets are both useful strategies for identifying and removing duplicates. By following these guidelines, you can maintain a high-quality database and make informed business decisions that strengthen your relationships with clients and prospects.

How to check duplicate companies or contacts in Hubspot?

Creation date

My Role




At first glance, checking for duplicate companies or contacts in Hubspot may seem like a straightforward task. However, as the volume of data to import increases, the process becomes more complex, and it becomes necessary to employ several strategies to avoid creating duplicates. When dealing with several thousand companies or leads, failing to detect and eliminate duplicates can lead to inaccurate data, redundancies, and other complications.

Therefore, it is essential to have a reliable process in place to ensure that duplicates are identified and handled appropriately. In this context, we will explore some of the strategies that can be used to check for and eliminate duplicate companies or contacts in Hubspot.


  • Check duplicates with the feature

  • Find a matching key

  • Export in google sheet

  • Use Hubspot API to check

  • Use a workflow to check duplicates and import

Find a matching key

Make longer:The matching key is the most important key to deduplicate your companies or contacts.

You can use all the properties you want like:

  • Company name

  • Domain



  • Address

  • Phone number

  • Email address

  • Tax ID number

  • VAT number

  • Employee count

  • Industry classification code

  • Annual revenue

  • Geographic location

  • Social media profiles

However, regardless of which properties you choose to use, it is essential that the matching key is unique and consistent across all records. Without a reliable matching key, you may end up merging or deleting incorrect records, which can result in lost opportunities, wasted resources, and damaged relationships with clients or prospects.

Therefore, it is crucial to establish a matching key strategy and regularly review and refine it to ensure accurate and efficient deduplication. By doing so, you can streamline your data management process, improve the quality of your database, and enhance your overall business performance.

In this tutorial, we will explore various techniques for creating and refining a matching key, as well as best practices for deduplicating your database effectively. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your database remains accurate and up-to-date, enabling you to make informed business decisions and build stronger relationships with your clients and prospects.

Check duplicates w/ Hubspot duplicate feature

To effectively manage your database of companies and contacts, it is essential to have a robust deduplication strategy. One of the critical components of this strategy is selecting the right matching key.

In HubSpot, you can find the deduplication feature under*account_id*/companies. On the right side of the screen, you will see a button that says "select properties to review". This button is crucial because it is where you can define the matching key that will be used to deduplicate all of your companies.

One of the most commonly used properties for the matching key is the Company domain name. This property associates a domain with a company name and helps to identify unique companies in your database. However, you have several other properties to choose from, such as SIRET, SIREN, address, phone number, email address, tax ID number, VAT number, employee count, industry classification code, annual revenue, geographic location, and social media profiles.

While selecting the right matching key is essential for companies, it is also important to have multiple matching keys for contacts. Using several matching keys such as email, phone number, and social profile pages can help avoid problems with deduplication. By doing so, you can limit duplication and ensure that your salespeople have only one contact associated with one company.

→ This button is important, this is where the matching key is used to deduplicate all your companies.

Here I will use the property company Company domain name which is the property used to associate a domain to a company name.

You have here two options, one for contacts and one for companies.

For contacts, it is good to use several matching keys to avoid problems of deduplicates like:

  • Email

  • Phone number

  • Social profiles pages

These matching keys allow you to limit duplication and therefore avoid your salespeople having several contacts associated with several different companies.

Export in google sheets

When importing a large batch of contacts or companies into HubSpot, it can be challenging to ensure that duplicates are not created. This can lead to inaccurate data, redundancies, and other complications. Therefore, it's essential to have a reliable process in place to check for and eliminate duplicates.

One effective strategy is to export the entire database of contacts and companies from Hubspot and import it into a Google Sheet.

→ This allows you to use a formula based on your matching key to check for matches and identify duplicates.

Your matching key is the most important key for deduplicating your contacts or companies. You can use various properties like: company name, domain, SIRET, SIREN, address, phone number, email address, tax ID number, VAT number, employee count, industry classification code, annual revenue, geographic location, and social media profiles.

💡 It's essential to choose a unique and consistent matching key across all records to avoid merging or deleting incorrect records.

Once the data is imported into a Google Sheet, you can use a formula to check for matches based on your matching key. This will help you identify duplicates and ensure that you don't import duplicate data into Hubspot.

After identifying the matches, you can obtain the company ID, which will allow you to import and update in Hubspot what is already present. This process can help you streamline your data management process, improve the quality of your database, and enhance your overall business performance.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your Hubspot database remains accurate and up-to-date, enabling you to make informed business decisions and build stronger relationships with your clients and prospects.

To export data in Company or Contact view, click on the "Export" button located in the top right corner:

Afterward, select all the properties you want to export and match with the new import file. Keep in mind that the more properties you select, the heavier and more complicated the file will be to use.

Finally, select CSV and start exporting. You will find the exported data in the "Import & Export" section of your account page.

  • Create a new google sheet page

  • Import your file from CSV into gg sheet:

  • Now you have your file from Hubspot & your file you want to import.

  • Go into your file you want to import and create a new column, name it as you wish

  • For example “already_in_hubspot”

  • Copy paste now this formula in the first row of this columns

  • =IFERROR(INDEX(hubspot_companies!A:Z, MATCH(J2, hubspot_companies!B:B, 0), 1), "")

  • Now change these columns

  • hubspot_companies → name of the tab you want to match with this file (hubspot export)

  • A:Z → columns you need to match

  • J2 → the column with your matching key → here company_domain so D2

  • B:B → column in hubspot file to match (here the domain in other tab) → keep B:B

  • 1 → is the last parameter which is the data returned from the google sheet

  • Column A is 0 , B is 1, C is 2, … → so choose what you want

You will have all company id from Hubspot so you only need to remove the companies that have a company id and keep only the unique ones.

And conversely keep the company IDs to update the data in Hubspot.


In conclusion, checking for and eliminating duplicate companies or contacts in Hubspot is an essential task to ensure the accuracy and efficiency of your database. By establishing a reliable matching key and using multiple matching keys for contacts, you can avoid creating duplicates and streamline your data management process.

Hubspot's deduplication feature and exporting data to Google Sheets are both useful strategies for identifying and removing duplicates. By following these guidelines, you can maintain a high-quality database and make informed business decisions that strengthen your relationships with clients and prospects.

© 2023 Telmo Crespo

© 2023 Telmo Crespo

© 2023 Telmo Crespo