Eliminate Duplicate Imports in Hubspot: Streamline Your Database with a Powerful Google Sheets Script

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Are you struggling with duplicate entries cluttering your Hubspot database? It's a common challenge faced by many, and can lead to inaccuracies, confusion, and wasted time. But don't worry, there's a solution to keep your database clean and efficient, and it's easier to implement than you might think.

As a growth hacker, I'm always on the lookout for ways to streamline processes and improve efficiency. While working with Hubspot, I noticed that duplicate entries were causing unnecessary complications. So, I've developed a solution that leverages the power of Google Sheets and the Hubspot API to prevent these duplicate imports.

This script not only eliminates the problem of duplication but also offers you more control over your data. With this in place, you can maintain a clean Hubspot database, ensuring the accuracy of your data and saving you valuable time that you can instead devote to growing your business.

In this blog post, I'm going to walk you through the process of setting up this solution. You'll learn how to implement a simple script in Google Sheets, which automatically checks for duplicates in Hubspot before importing new entries. This efficient method takes only a minute to set up, and the benefits are immeasurable.

Whether you're a seasoned Hubspot user or just getting started, this guide is designed to help you optimize your database management. So let's dive in and unlock the potential of your Hubspot with the power of Google Sheets.

II. What You Will Need

Before we dive into the step-by-step guide, let's make sure you have everything you need to get started:

1. Google Sheets: You'll need access to Google Sheets, as this is where the script will be implemented. If you don't have a Google account, you can sign up for one [here](https://accounts.google.com/signup).

2. Hubspot API access: In order to utilize the Hubspot API, you'll need to have access to your Hubspot account's API key or an OAuth access token. If you're not sure how to obtain your API key, follow Hubspot's guide [here](https://knowledge.hubspot.com/integrations/how-do-i-get-my-hubspot-api-key).

Now that you have everything in place, let's move on to the detailed step-by-step guide.

III. Detailed Step-by-Step Guide

In this section, we'll go through the process of setting up the Google Sheets script to prevent duplicate imports in Hubspot. Make sure to follow the steps closely, and don't hesitate to refer back to this guide if you encounter any issues.

STEP 1️: Access the Google Sheets template

First, you'll need to access the Google Sheets template provided. The link to the template can be found [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18ZEy7CLUxJSgMyvnrgiBWnjYFxRFQM9aSrdFjX8JVNA/edit?usp=sharing). This template contains the necessary script and setup to get started quickly.

STEP 2️: Make a copy of the template

Once you've accessed the Google Sheets template, make a copy by clicking on "File" in the top left corner, and then selecting "Make a copy." This will create a personal copy of the template in your Google Drive, which you can edit as needed.

STEP 3️: Go to "Extensions" : "App Scripts"

With your copy of the Google Sheets template open, click on "Extensions" in the top menu, and then select "App Scripts." This will open the Google Sheets script editor, where you'll be able to edit the script that powers the duplicate prevention functionality.

STEP 4️: Open Hubspot.gs

In the script editor, locate and click on the Hubspot.gs file in the left sidebar. This file contains the script that communicates with the Hubspot API and checks for duplicate entries.

STEP 5️: Update line 15 with your Hubspot API App Token

In the Hubspot.gs file, find line 15, which should look like this:

'Authorization': 'Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

Replace `YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN` with your Hubspot API key or OAuth access token. Make sure to keep the single quotes around the token. This will authorize the script to access your Hubspot account and perform the necessary checks.

STEP 6️: Head back to your Google Sheet

After updating the script with your Hubspot API access token, close the script editor and return to your Google Sheet.

STEP 7️: Use `=getHubspot()` function beside the domains to check

In your Google Sheet, you'll see a list of domains in column A. To check if a domain is already present in your Hubspot account, simply type `=getHubspot(A1)` in the adjacent cell (cell B1), replacing "A1" with the cell that contains the domain you want to check. Press Enter, and the script will communicate with Hubspot to find any matches.

STEP 8️: Company ID appears if it's in Hubspot – no more duplicates!

If the domain is found in your Hubspot account, the Company ID associated with that domain will appear in the cell where you typed the =getHubspot() function. If the domain isn't found, you'll see the message "No results found". This allows you to quickly see which domains are new and which are duplicates.

IV. Understanding the Script

Let's take a moment to understand the script you're using. This script is written in JavaScript and works by making a POST request to the Hubspot API's companies search endpoint. It sends the domain you're checking as a search query, and then processes the response.

The getCompanyDetailsByDomain() function is the main function in this script. It takes a domain as input, makes a request to the Hubspot API, and then returns the Company ID if the domain is found. The YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN on line 15 is replaced with your Hubspot API key to authenticate the request.

The script uses Google's UrlFetchApp service to make the HTTP request and parses the response using the built-in JSON object. If the response includes one or more companies, it returns the ID of the first company. Otherwise, it returns 'No results found'.

V. Use Cases and Benefits

This script is particularly beneficial in scenarios where you're importing a large list of companies into Hubspot and want to prevent duplicates. Instead of manually checking each company, this script automates the process, saving you a significant amount of time.

Maintaining a clean database is crucial for effective CRM management. By eliminating duplicates, you ensure the accuracy of your data, which leads to more effective marketing campaigns, sales efforts, and customer service.

VI. Troubleshooting and FAQs

If you run into any issues while setting up or using this script, here are a few potential solutions:

Q: I'm getting an 'Invalid argument' error. What should I do?A: Make sure you've replaced YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN with your actual Hubspot API key or OAuth token. Also, ensure the domain you're checking is a valid domain.

Q: The script isn't returning any Company ID, even though the company is in my Hubspot account. Why is this happening?A: The script checks for exact matches of the domain. Make sure the domain you're checking is the same as the one in your Hubspot account.

If you have any other questions or issues, feel free to leave a comment, and I'll do my best to help you out.

VII. Conclusion

With the power of Google Sheets and the Hubspot API, you now have a powerful tool to prevent duplicate entries in your Hubspot account. This simple yet effective script can save you time, ensure the accuracy of your data, and ultimately contribute to your business's growth. So why not give it a try?

Feel free to share your experiences, ask questions, or suggest improvements. I look forward to hearing how this script has helped streamline your Hubspot database management.

Eliminate Duplicate Imports in Hubspot: Streamline Your Database with a Powerful Google Sheets Script

Creation date

My Role




Are you struggling with duplicate entries cluttering your Hubspot database? It's a common challenge faced by many, and can lead to inaccuracies, confusion, and wasted time. But don't worry, there's a solution to keep your database clean and efficient, and it's easier to implement than you might think.

As a growth hacker, I'm always on the lookout for ways to streamline processes and improve efficiency. While working with Hubspot, I noticed that duplicate entries were causing unnecessary complications. So, I've developed a solution that leverages the power of Google Sheets and the Hubspot API to prevent these duplicate imports.

This script not only eliminates the problem of duplication but also offers you more control over your data. With this in place, you can maintain a clean Hubspot database, ensuring the accuracy of your data and saving you valuable time that you can instead devote to growing your business.

In this blog post, I'm going to walk you through the process of setting up this solution. You'll learn how to implement a simple script in Google Sheets, which automatically checks for duplicates in Hubspot before importing new entries. This efficient method takes only a minute to set up, and the benefits are immeasurable.

Whether you're a seasoned Hubspot user or just getting started, this guide is designed to help you optimize your database management. So let's dive in and unlock the potential of your Hubspot with the power of Google Sheets.

II. What You Will Need

Before we dive into the step-by-step guide, let's make sure you have everything you need to get started:

1. Google Sheets: You'll need access to Google Sheets, as this is where the script will be implemented. If you don't have a Google account, you can sign up for one [here](https://accounts.google.com/signup).

2. Hubspot API access: In order to utilize the Hubspot API, you'll need to have access to your Hubspot account's API key or an OAuth access token. If you're not sure how to obtain your API key, follow Hubspot's guide [here](https://knowledge.hubspot.com/integrations/how-do-i-get-my-hubspot-api-key).

Now that you have everything in place, let's move on to the detailed step-by-step guide.

III. Detailed Step-by-Step Guide

In this section, we'll go through the process of setting up the Google Sheets script to prevent duplicate imports in Hubspot. Make sure to follow the steps closely, and don't hesitate to refer back to this guide if you encounter any issues.

STEP 1️: Access the Google Sheets template

First, you'll need to access the Google Sheets template provided. The link to the template can be found [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18ZEy7CLUxJSgMyvnrgiBWnjYFxRFQM9aSrdFjX8JVNA/edit?usp=sharing). This template contains the necessary script and setup to get started quickly.

STEP 2️: Make a copy of the template

Once you've accessed the Google Sheets template, make a copy by clicking on "File" in the top left corner, and then selecting "Make a copy." This will create a personal copy of the template in your Google Drive, which you can edit as needed.

STEP 3️: Go to "Extensions" : "App Scripts"

With your copy of the Google Sheets template open, click on "Extensions" in the top menu, and then select "App Scripts." This will open the Google Sheets script editor, where you'll be able to edit the script that powers the duplicate prevention functionality.

STEP 4️: Open Hubspot.gs

In the script editor, locate and click on the Hubspot.gs file in the left sidebar. This file contains the script that communicates with the Hubspot API and checks for duplicate entries.

STEP 5️: Update line 15 with your Hubspot API App Token

In the Hubspot.gs file, find line 15, which should look like this:

'Authorization': 'Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

Replace `YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN` with your Hubspot API key or OAuth access token. Make sure to keep the single quotes around the token. This will authorize the script to access your Hubspot account and perform the necessary checks.

STEP 6️: Head back to your Google Sheet

After updating the script with your Hubspot API access token, close the script editor and return to your Google Sheet.

STEP 7️: Use `=getHubspot()` function beside the domains to check

In your Google Sheet, you'll see a list of domains in column A. To check if a domain is already present in your Hubspot account, simply type `=getHubspot(A1)` in the adjacent cell (cell B1), replacing "A1" with the cell that contains the domain you want to check. Press Enter, and the script will communicate with Hubspot to find any matches.

STEP 8️: Company ID appears if it's in Hubspot – no more duplicates!

If the domain is found in your Hubspot account, the Company ID associated with that domain will appear in the cell where you typed the =getHubspot() function. If the domain isn't found, you'll see the message "No results found". This allows you to quickly see which domains are new and which are duplicates.

IV. Understanding the Script

Let's take a moment to understand the script you're using. This script is written in JavaScript and works by making a POST request to the Hubspot API's companies search endpoint. It sends the domain you're checking as a search query, and then processes the response.

The getCompanyDetailsByDomain() function is the main function in this script. It takes a domain as input, makes a request to the Hubspot API, and then returns the Company ID if the domain is found. The YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN on line 15 is replaced with your Hubspot API key to authenticate the request.

The script uses Google's UrlFetchApp service to make the HTTP request and parses the response using the built-in JSON object. If the response includes one or more companies, it returns the ID of the first company. Otherwise, it returns 'No results found'.

V. Use Cases and Benefits

This script is particularly beneficial in scenarios where you're importing a large list of companies into Hubspot and want to prevent duplicates. Instead of manually checking each company, this script automates the process, saving you a significant amount of time.

Maintaining a clean database is crucial for effective CRM management. By eliminating duplicates, you ensure the accuracy of your data, which leads to more effective marketing campaigns, sales efforts, and customer service.

VI. Troubleshooting and FAQs

If you run into any issues while setting up or using this script, here are a few potential solutions:

Q: I'm getting an 'Invalid argument' error. What should I do?A: Make sure you've replaced YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN with your actual Hubspot API key or OAuth token. Also, ensure the domain you're checking is a valid domain.

Q: The script isn't returning any Company ID, even though the company is in my Hubspot account. Why is this happening?A: The script checks for exact matches of the domain. Make sure the domain you're checking is the same as the one in your Hubspot account.

If you have any other questions or issues, feel free to leave a comment, and I'll do my best to help you out.

VII. Conclusion

With the power of Google Sheets and the Hubspot API, you now have a powerful tool to prevent duplicate entries in your Hubspot account. This simple yet effective script can save you time, ensure the accuracy of your data, and ultimately contribute to your business's growth. So why not give it a try?

Feel free to share your experiences, ask questions, or suggest improvements. I look forward to hearing how this script has helped streamline your Hubspot database management.

Eliminate Duplicate Imports in Hubspot: Streamline Your Database with a Powerful Google Sheets Script

Creation date

My Role




Are you struggling with duplicate entries cluttering your Hubspot database? It's a common challenge faced by many, and can lead to inaccuracies, confusion, and wasted time. But don't worry, there's a solution to keep your database clean and efficient, and it's easier to implement than you might think.

As a growth hacker, I'm always on the lookout for ways to streamline processes and improve efficiency. While working with Hubspot, I noticed that duplicate entries were causing unnecessary complications. So, I've developed a solution that leverages the power of Google Sheets and the Hubspot API to prevent these duplicate imports.

This script not only eliminates the problem of duplication but also offers you more control over your data. With this in place, you can maintain a clean Hubspot database, ensuring the accuracy of your data and saving you valuable time that you can instead devote to growing your business.

In this blog post, I'm going to walk you through the process of setting up this solution. You'll learn how to implement a simple script in Google Sheets, which automatically checks for duplicates in Hubspot before importing new entries. This efficient method takes only a minute to set up, and the benefits are immeasurable.

Whether you're a seasoned Hubspot user or just getting started, this guide is designed to help you optimize your database management. So let's dive in and unlock the potential of your Hubspot with the power of Google Sheets.

II. What You Will Need

Before we dive into the step-by-step guide, let's make sure you have everything you need to get started:

1. Google Sheets: You'll need access to Google Sheets, as this is where the script will be implemented. If you don't have a Google account, you can sign up for one [here](https://accounts.google.com/signup).

2. Hubspot API access: In order to utilize the Hubspot API, you'll need to have access to your Hubspot account's API key or an OAuth access token. If you're not sure how to obtain your API key, follow Hubspot's guide [here](https://knowledge.hubspot.com/integrations/how-do-i-get-my-hubspot-api-key).

Now that you have everything in place, let's move on to the detailed step-by-step guide.

III. Detailed Step-by-Step Guide

In this section, we'll go through the process of setting up the Google Sheets script to prevent duplicate imports in Hubspot. Make sure to follow the steps closely, and don't hesitate to refer back to this guide if you encounter any issues.

STEP 1️: Access the Google Sheets template

First, you'll need to access the Google Sheets template provided. The link to the template can be found [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18ZEy7CLUxJSgMyvnrgiBWnjYFxRFQM9aSrdFjX8JVNA/edit?usp=sharing). This template contains the necessary script and setup to get started quickly.

STEP 2️: Make a copy of the template

Once you've accessed the Google Sheets template, make a copy by clicking on "File" in the top left corner, and then selecting "Make a copy." This will create a personal copy of the template in your Google Drive, which you can edit as needed.

STEP 3️: Go to "Extensions" : "App Scripts"

With your copy of the Google Sheets template open, click on "Extensions" in the top menu, and then select "App Scripts." This will open the Google Sheets script editor, where you'll be able to edit the script that powers the duplicate prevention functionality.

STEP 4️: Open Hubspot.gs

In the script editor, locate and click on the Hubspot.gs file in the left sidebar. This file contains the script that communicates with the Hubspot API and checks for duplicate entries.

STEP 5️: Update line 15 with your Hubspot API App Token

In the Hubspot.gs file, find line 15, which should look like this:

'Authorization': 'Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

Replace `YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN` with your Hubspot API key or OAuth access token. Make sure to keep the single quotes around the token. This will authorize the script to access your Hubspot account and perform the necessary checks.

STEP 6️: Head back to your Google Sheet

After updating the script with your Hubspot API access token, close the script editor and return to your Google Sheet.

STEP 7️: Use `=getHubspot()` function beside the domains to check

In your Google Sheet, you'll see a list of domains in column A. To check if a domain is already present in your Hubspot account, simply type `=getHubspot(A1)` in the adjacent cell (cell B1), replacing "A1" with the cell that contains the domain you want to check. Press Enter, and the script will communicate with Hubspot to find any matches.

STEP 8️: Company ID appears if it's in Hubspot – no more duplicates!

If the domain is found in your Hubspot account, the Company ID associated with that domain will appear in the cell where you typed the =getHubspot() function. If the domain isn't found, you'll see the message "No results found". This allows you to quickly see which domains are new and which are duplicates.

IV. Understanding the Script

Let's take a moment to understand the script you're using. This script is written in JavaScript and works by making a POST request to the Hubspot API's companies search endpoint. It sends the domain you're checking as a search query, and then processes the response.

The getCompanyDetailsByDomain() function is the main function in this script. It takes a domain as input, makes a request to the Hubspot API, and then returns the Company ID if the domain is found. The YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN on line 15 is replaced with your Hubspot API key to authenticate the request.

The script uses Google's UrlFetchApp service to make the HTTP request and parses the response using the built-in JSON object. If the response includes one or more companies, it returns the ID of the first company. Otherwise, it returns 'No results found'.

V. Use Cases and Benefits

This script is particularly beneficial in scenarios where you're importing a large list of companies into Hubspot and want to prevent duplicates. Instead of manually checking each company, this script automates the process, saving you a significant amount of time.

Maintaining a clean database is crucial for effective CRM management. By eliminating duplicates, you ensure the accuracy of your data, which leads to more effective marketing campaigns, sales efforts, and customer service.

VI. Troubleshooting and FAQs

If you run into any issues while setting up or using this script, here are a few potential solutions:

Q: I'm getting an 'Invalid argument' error. What should I do?A: Make sure you've replaced YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN with your actual Hubspot API key or OAuth token. Also, ensure the domain you're checking is a valid domain.

Q: The script isn't returning any Company ID, even though the company is in my Hubspot account. Why is this happening?A: The script checks for exact matches of the domain. Make sure the domain you're checking is the same as the one in your Hubspot account.

If you have any other questions or issues, feel free to leave a comment, and I'll do my best to help you out.

VII. Conclusion

With the power of Google Sheets and the Hubspot API, you now have a powerful tool to prevent duplicate entries in your Hubspot account. This simple yet effective script can save you time, ensure the accuracy of your data, and ultimately contribute to your business's growth. So why not give it a try?

Feel free to share your experiences, ask questions, or suggest improvements. I look forward to hearing how this script has helped streamline your Hubspot database management.

© 2023 Telmo Crespo

© 2023 Telmo Crespo

© 2023 Telmo Crespo